Preorder Doctrine, Devotion, and Evangelism


Many of our listeners have asked how they can support Doctrine and Devotion. Here's your chance. We will be releasing our first video download, "Doctrine, Devotion, and Evangelism: A Conversation with Ed Stetzer" in early October, but you can support the podcast and receive some great teaching by pre-ordering now!

Dr. Ed Stetzer is one of the foremost missiologists in North America, and was recently appointed to the Billy Graham Distinguished Endowed Chair for Church, Mission, and Evangelism at Wheaton College, and serves as Executive Director of the Billy Graham Center for Evangelism.

What will you get? 

This video download includes 3 sessions (over 90 minutes) and is only $15.

  • Session One: The What and Why of Evangelism
  • Session Two: The Local church and Evangelism
  • Session Three: The Hard Work of Evangelism

By purchasing this content you not only support the podcast but allow us to provide more content in the future to encourage and edify.